Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sometimes we wonder why does it took so long to find the trueself and reconnect with people  that was once so close to us but lost along the way. But my true experiences just proves that things happens for a reason.  If we stand strong and believes , may be we needs time but eventually the lost pieces will be found and the puzzle of life will comes again together .
有时,我们不知道为什么需要那么长的时间才能重新面对自己和重遇曾经如此贴近, 却在中途走散的亲人。但我的真实体验证明凡事必有因。只要我们坚持与相信,或许需要时间,但最终将寻获散落的片数,重新拼凑成完整的人生拼图。

2012 美国费城清晨岁末感悟!

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