Monday, January 7, 2008

5th Jan 2008

I was invited about a week ago by Singapore Soka Gakkai to attend an event in Malaysia JB, organised by Soka Gakkai Internation and Soka Gakkai Internationl. I didn't take too long to agree, something just tells me that its a right move.

Only when i reached JB City Square that i comfirmed it was indeed a big step that i am moving for Kosenrufu. I was invited to perform in the opening of the exhibition of "From A Culture of Vilence to A Culture of Peace : Transforming the Human Spirit" 从暴力文化到和平文化-----人的精神变革“展览会. Its an exhibition to create the awareness to share the responsibility for the security of all human beings, in another word, we are promoting PEACE- The Foundation for Lasting Human Happiness! In our willingness to live comfortably while ignoring reality is the silent violence of apathy that could theraten the human race. On the other hand, assuming that this reality will continue unchanged into the future is a major human weakness.

Some how i felt connected to this issue on Violence, cause my downfall in life was once very much to do with self distruction.................... This event came to me at a right time of the year, it not only reminded me of being kind to oneself and others , it also tells me how much good effects we could create, even if its jus from a little gesture or a simple word in daily live. In 2008 i wish my voice and music could do a good part in promoting peace.

I sincerely hope we could all start from individual, and to our family, the society and thus globally!

Just to share a word with you from Mr Ikeda, the president of Soka Gakkai International

"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation, and , further, will cause a change inthe destiny of humankind."

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