Wednesday, January 23, 2008


好久没到博物馆, 刚建好不久的新加坡博物馆更是第一次. 在进入展览厅的屋顶有一排会同时晃动的灯饰, 灯罩是深粉红色, 在白色透明的天窗规律的摇晃, 喜欢这样不经意的点缀. 也喜欢在电动扶梯旁的黑色墙, 有一种深不可测的神秘感.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Greek Masterpieces from the Louvre 卢浮宫古希腊珍藏展

I am not sure when, or will i ever get a chance to visit Louvre, so i made up my mind and head for the "Greek Masterpieces from the Louvre" at National Art Museum. A very rare opportunity to view Classical Greek masterpieces from the renowned Louvre museum and its the first time in Southeast Asia. Some 130 exquisite pieces such a sthe statues from the French royal collections and precious vases, terracotta figurines and gold jewellery from the 5th century BCE to the 1st century BC will bring to life the story of Athens.

And here is some personal favourite pieces photos taken by myself for my blog, enjoy it.

Friday, January 18, 2008


没走到这个39这关口还真不知道真正的感受会如何. 庆幸的是, 感受竟是多一份期待和坚定. 2008年的第一个月份, 生意虽然明显的比前三个月来得差, 我却没有以往的那种担忧, 反之我利用这段店面不是很忙的阶段参与了一些丰富了我的精神面貌的活动, 还有处理新书和音乐会的事.其实这些都已经够我忙的了. 那天受邀出席了一项展览会, 是跟传统的纺织有关, 题材引用了佛教里的哲理,这不是一般的展览, 一个人的梦想, 能帮助一群第三世界的女子,能丰富我门对宗教对艺术的认知, 单是这两项就足以让人侧目. 走出博物院, 路经我小时的舞蹈老师,严老师的"聚舞坊", 心里突然就想见见她, 于是我们在没有相约的情况下再次侃侃而谈, 再次结缘. 回家时心里有一把声音对我说"他们都是你的善之士..." 是的他们的坚持不懈都是我实践下半辈子理想的最佳典范. ............

再过8分钟,正式迈进39大关, 有一种不曾有的幸福感, CD里播着陈小霞给EASON写的"好久不见", 是一首多年不见,重逢旧爱的情歌, 有点小伤感, 生活纵然还是有问题等着我逐个去解决, 但我不会退缩. 在跟自己说HAPPY BIRTHDAY 之前, 我告诉自己一定要不亢不卑的走下去.................我的唱题让我渐渐看到我应该走的路.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Spiritual Journey with Benny Ong

It has been along while since i last visited Singapore Arts museum. And i was glad to have make the right choice this round to visit SAM when i was invited by my Soka member Ms Annie, her warmth and passion in her voice was just irresistable, i have no other reason to say no.

Another fruitful journey , though a much shorter one compared to the previous exibition that i have attended in JB Malaysia. But the experience was as over whelming, a totally different presentation but some how sending the same massage, i felt peace in both event.

"Re-Woven" presented by local designer Benny Ong, a renowned international fashion designer who has dressed personalities such as the late Princess Diana, the Duchess of Kent and the Queen of Jordon. This exibition features an exclusive collection of 46 hand woven artworks by Lao traditional weavers . All pieces conveyed Benny's acute appreciation for the physical, intellectual and spiritual balance of what he termed as "the presercation of what would otherwise be lost." All works began with inspirations from Buddhism, but conveyed in a contemporary setting interpreting inner contemplation, thought,stillness, joy and mediation.

Like to share this sayings that i have read in the exhibition:

Buddha said: "You never really posses sthings.

You merely hold them for a while.

If you are unable to give them away, you are held by them.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


最近已在紧锣密鼓的处理新书的最后几章.朋友最近也出了些点子,觉得还不错,于是着手搜集需要的资料.现送上几张自排照, 凭这些照片让你联想到些什么呢? 玖重天下会自有分晓:)

Monday, January 7, 2008

S-POP , 难得万岁!

我:) 玖健-玖阿哥,梁文福,郑展伦,潘盈姐姐,GEORGE, 蔡礼莲妹妹,洪劭轩,RICK,还有年轻歌者,算是本地乐坛三代同堂:)
有份参与S-POP已算是难得,更不用说能成为梁文福特辑里的嘉宾之一.留意2月25号及3月3号两周星期一的CHANNEL U,就能看到大伙们与梁才子的贴心对话,开心弹唱.我也将现场演唱18年之后才有机会在电视台演唱的"亲亲你念着谁",对踏入新谣20年的我而言,确实是深具意义的.
最近除了忙着美容室的工作,也忙着筹备5月尾将发行的第二本心情小品, 还有6月份的音乐会, 到时记得支持哦!

5th Jan 2008

I was invited about a week ago by Singapore Soka Gakkai to attend an event in Malaysia JB, organised by Soka Gakkai Internation and Soka Gakkai Internationl. I didn't take too long to agree, something just tells me that its a right move.

Only when i reached JB City Square that i comfirmed it was indeed a big step that i am moving for Kosenrufu. I was invited to perform in the opening of the exhibition of "From A Culture of Vilence to A Culture of Peace : Transforming the Human Spirit" 从暴力文化到和平文化-----人的精神变革“展览会. Its an exhibition to create the awareness to share the responsibility for the security of all human beings, in another word, we are promoting PEACE- The Foundation for Lasting Human Happiness! In our willingness to live comfortably while ignoring reality is the silent violence of apathy that could theraten the human race. On the other hand, assuming that this reality will continue unchanged into the future is a major human weakness.

Some how i felt connected to this issue on Violence, cause my downfall in life was once very much to do with self distruction.................... This event came to me at a right time of the year, it not only reminded me of being kind to oneself and others , it also tells me how much good effects we could create, even if its jus from a little gesture or a simple word in daily live. In 2008 i wish my voice and music could do a good part in promoting peace.

I sincerely hope we could all start from individual, and to our family, the society and thus globally!

Just to share a word with you from Mr Ikeda, the president of Soka Gakkai International

"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation, and , further, will cause a change inthe destiny of humankind."

Related sites for Nuclear issues:
Facts, quotes, ideas for action:
General information on nuclear issues:
Educational resources:

2008 要幸福- SHI-A-WA-SEI

Hi guys, hope i haven't been keeping you too long . It has been more than a year since i last updated my personal blogger, main reason being, i yet to find the real urge and meaning to continue sharing my life with you. It has just got to be something more than what i like to eat, what i have shopped , about my pats or about my happenings etc etc etc, it has got to be MORE than that.

Fortunately , i found the urmmmmph to make a come back to my personal blogger after 5th Jan 2008 , and lets give it a good start in 2008!