Sunday, December 18, 2011

It was definately the best X'mas gifts that money can't by with medias sharing their album reviews on "The Oriental Moon" , not mentioning "The Oriental Moon" produced and released by my non profit art company Ko-nen Creative Ltd featuring local chinese ensemble "Ding Yi Music Comapany" performing the one and only Dr Liang Wern Fook's ( my 23 yrs friend ) Xin yao classics definately has lots of mix feelings . Looking at the shrinking cd industry we were able to top CD RAMA IRAS Asian Region Best Selling Album Chart on the 3rd weeks after released and 2 consecutive wks on 3rd position before it top the chart.
And gratitude to medias that share their sincere album reviews that helps to spread the news to the public about this worth listening local instrumental album among many others commercial albums released during the same period.
Look out for more album reviews by NTUC magazine NEXT, CityNews etc . For those that still wondering what to get this christmas for your friends, "The Oriental Moon" is definately one good choice.
终于,大半年的努力逐渐从媒体朋友们的正面报导与全岛CD RAMA 亚洲销售榜的稳健成绩得到回报。也似乎是年终最佳的安慰和音乐旅程中继续坚持的推动力。虽然距离“不经一番寒彻骨,焉知梅花扑鼻香”还有一段距离,但至少从第一张“请你告诉她”到第二张“华月心谣”的梁文福经典新谣音乐辑,再次印证当初以发扬新谣精神,为梁文福的经典作品赋予新生命和建立本地纯音乐演奏专辑品牌的理念已踏出稳健的第一步。

《华月心谣》 承传新谣时代创作精神

《华月心谣》 承传新谣时代创作精神